Custom Gin Flight & Template Construction

Templates. Woodworking often requires making a template to make a process faster or produce a result you couldn't otherwise achieve or easily repeat.

Custom Gin or wine flights available. Gin makers, winery and brewery enquiries welcome.

To make the rounded sides to the holes for the Gin glasses, I needed accurate holes larger than any forstner bit I have access to. To do this I used a large forstner bit to drill a reference hole. With the 2 sheets of MDF securely taped together, I then set a rabbet bit in the router table to just slightly above the bottom sheet (9mm in this case). The bit was set to cut a 7.9mm rebate, thus increasing the overall diameter of the initial hole by 15.8mm. I did this twice which left me 2 templates each with a set of different size large accurate holes.

Caution and safety: please note, not pictured here is the two grabber blocks I used to hold the templates whilst cutting the rabbet. It’s a fairly large bit and could easily do a lot of damage should it slip or grab the work-piece. The cut also needs to go against the spin of the bit; which, on a router table, can seem a little counter-intuitive; particularly when cutting holes. I also pre-cut the larger hole (with a jigsaw) to around 2 to 3mm shy of the final size as 7.9mm is a large cut to make in one pass! Also, even with under-table extraction, this was very dusty; wear a dust mask, especially when using MDF. Best advice: if you are new to router tables (or routers) be very careful attempting this.